Well survivor just became a show full of inbred dumb people. I am shocked speechless to heck so all I can do is aimlessly type about what happened. I was hoping to write a happy post about how Coach and Tyson and JT are owning da show, Warrior Power. But no, my whole life almost crumbled away before my eyes when JT backstabber Tyson and voted him out. What the heck, what the heck, what the heck was he thinking? Why end something that's working so good? What a swine! Survivor began really good tonight, Sierra was clambering around to save herself, while the whole time being mocked by the whole tribe, they were even calling her stupid and dumb. How great is that? Break her soul then vote her out, that's how it's done right? So after begging to be kept on the show she resorted to crying like a useless rat that you would like to down in acid. She realized she was a complete failure, and that the immunity challenge was her last hope. She amped up her game to the best of her pathetic abilities, coming close to winning. She was so ecstatic that she started dancing, then Debbie won. I was smiling for like 15 minutes, it was that funny. Sierra was probably too stupid to understand how much of a failure she was at the moment in time. Survivor should have a mandatory IQ test for anyone attempting to get on the show, that way no one with an IQ under 37 could get on ever again. Anyways the Einsteins on the show decided to vote out Tyson because he never had the immunity idol, they needed one more person so they approached JT, who was a member of the Warrior Alliance. JT wasn't sure if he should go ahead with the suicide mission, a comercial then commenced leaving everyone wondering what JT would do. During Tribal council Sierra continued to be a pitiful fool and make herself look like rotting plum sauce pudding. Tyson the great man he is, had it out with her leaving her an empty shell of a person. At this moment i was thinking to my self "yay"....and then the votes were placed and my heart literally stoped. Tyson was voted out and Coach was left wondering what the heck happened. The warrior alliance had fallen. I hope coach uses his samurai powers to win Survival and then spit in all their faces. At the end of the show Tyson left us with two memorable comments.
"sneaky bastards now i no how Brendon feels", and
" i am a little upset with being out fauxed by an idiot" ( the idiot being Sierra) I'm not quite sure where Tyson comes up with his lines, but there flipping pro.
"sneaky bastards now i no how Brendon feels", and
" i am a little upset with being out fauxed by an idiot" ( the idiot being Sierra) I'm not quite sure where Tyson comes up with his lines, but there flipping pro.
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